Rediscovering environmentally friendly materials

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why build with rammed earth?

“The Thermal Flywheel Effect” - During the day, the compacted earth has the ability to gather and retain solar warmth, while keeping the inside cool and arid. It then
releases the solar energy into the cool night, keeping the shelter cool in the day, and warm at night. If properly designed this can significantly reduce heating and cooling bills. ·
Indoor air quality - Unlike wood-frame buildings, packed earth does not emit and hazardous fumes. When covered with natural and organic finishing, no toxins are off- gassed, providing superior air quality inside the building/ ·
-Longevity, durability, and low maintenance - The Tschudi Palace in Chan Chan, Peru has been in existence for over 2,000 years. While still having to be minimally maintained, the durability of the construction is impressive. With the addition of modern stabilizers, concrete foundations, and steel reinforcing, it is entirely possible for rammed earth housing to last for many centuries. -Fire and insect resistance - Two important reasons for choosing to build with solid earth walls are that they are fireproof and resistant to damage from termites and other insects. This also helps with maintaining and the longevity of the buildings. · Environmental responsibility - Since an earth walled building saves construction and energy resources, doesn't pollute, and lasts practically forever is a wise investment in
the future of the planet.

An Ancient stepping Strong, Rediscovering rammed Earth, "La tapia Pisada".

Earth construction is an ancient technique which has been refined until today it involves knowledge of soil science, engineering and building construction.

The beginnings of Rammed Earth can be traced deep into the history of civilisation. The Great Wall of China, 7.5 metres high and 9 metres wide in places, was built of Rammed Earth and stone (246-209 BC), and in Germany and France there are several buildings of rammed earth over 400 years old.

Earth homes are economical to build, and the relationship of earth building to the environment can not be matched by any other building material. There is no smell of synthetics, no sound of mechanical systems and no rattling when the wind roars. A home of Earth is simply a constructed environment that grows from the earth, yet remains as a natural, sustainable environment.

The design of earth homes, and their thick walls, make interior temperatures quite stable on a daily and yearly basis. In summer, the walls of the home are cooled at night, and their thickness and construction allow them to hold that cold through the heat of the next day. In winter, the homes are heated by the sun during the day and the walls release heat during the night and help keep us warm.